Friday, February 3, 2012

Refuting the "5 Awful Things" blog...

Did everyone see this on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr?

5 Awful Things Nobody Tells You About Being an Actor

This horrible article was posted on the blog of I get it-I do; Cracked is trying to be funny, but there's just some wrong stuff in here, that I think can damage an actor who is "struggling".

And that's where I want to start. I find the term struggling to be dismissive. Everybody struggles! Glenn Close struggled to get Albert Nobbs made. Yet if you called her a struggling actor, you'd sounds crazy. Let's say a non-eq musical theatre actor does a showcase for $25. Is he struggling? Only if he chooses to. He's acting! Isn't that the goal?

I personally refuse to struggle.

Actors become actors because they like to act. You'd be insane to do it for the money. So, when you gauge success, shouldn't the question be: Did I get to act? And when I did, did I enjoy it?

These days finding a venue to act is as easy as logging onto youtube. For the price of a flip-cam and the basic editing software that come on a Mac, you can have your own show. Anyone who wants to act, can! And there's community theatre, and self-produced shows, and open mic nights...

One thing I have learned from working with people I love and respect is that you can make show business any percentage of your life you want. If you want to tour, and go from job to job without a real home - that's say... 90%. If you want to do a showcase show once a year - that's maybe 5%. The key to fulfillment is to figure out what that percentage ought to be for you, and then doing it. Your faith can't be exploited if you know what you want!

And here's just one flat lie from the article: According to the article, producers pay a hefty fine to cast non-union actors. Nope. Non-union actors can perform in up to 3 SAG commercials or legit projects before they have to join. The producers apply for a Taft-Hartley waiver for the actor. It's inexpensive, and entirely common. After 3, the actor has to join if he wants to work again, yes. But most actors would join at that point.

And as for commercials: Most actors do commercials to make money to help them fund the projects they'd rather be doing. Yes. Some look at them as a necessary evil - a paycheck that will help them pay their rent so they can do the non-paying workshop of a new play they love. But, ya'll, commercials are fun! Don't you think it was fun to pretend to swish mouthwash in your mouth for a few hours? And then to collect check after check after check after check? FUN!
(And, being that there is some randomness to it all, at some point the randomness will work in your favor. At some point, randomly, it'll be your turn; that's just math.)

"You won't make enough money to live on." Um, I do. I know a bunch of people who do. And furthermore I know plenty of people make some money in the industry and have additional thriving careers. You are not a failure if you make $200 a year acting. You're only a failure if you set unrealistic goals, pursue them weakly, and lament your outcast state.

I could continue to pick this apart, but what's the point? If this discourages you, fine. The truth is that it's terribly hard. But with proper marketing, proper strategies, and most importantly - a proper way of thinking about your career, you are guaranteed success.

I congratulate every actor. You put a lot of yourself on the line on a regular basis, and it makes you strong. It makes you strong as a performer, and it makes you strong as a person. I wouldn't be half the man I am today if I'd never set foot on a stage. I'm glad I was encouraged. - you're just plain wrong.


  1. I love you Guy. You so, "get it".
    The other regular thing I hear that drives me crazy..."How do you deal with the daily rejection?" I have no rejection. I have people who don't ever call again. NEVER has someone at an audition say, "I hate you, you suck, I think you're fat, and I don't want to work with, or date you." THAT'S rejection. What we do is NOT personal and you can't take it that way. Write it! XO

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  2. Totally! At the worst, you should think: I was overlooked.
