Thursday, October 27, 2011

I took a tough class... made me think.

I practice what I preach - you should know this about me.
When an actor complains that they are not getting seen for TV shows, I suggest they pay to take a class with the casting director. I, myself, just finished one of those classes.

The teacher was SUPER-tough. Two girls cried last night. One girl quit acting entirely.

Here's what I wanted to share with you:

At the end, a girl asked, "Now what?" Meaning - okay, now that I have some technique, how do I actually get into the auditions?

Here was the casting director's response:

Most of you just simply aren't ready. And if you're not ready, you know you're not.
For those of you who are ready,
You were smart to pay to take this class. This is how we find new people. Especially people who don't have great agents.

(Furthermore he said, it would be great to meet everyone in the office at such events. They will discuss you, and keep you in mind.)

Then he went on to the very familiar speech: "If you can do anything else, just do it!" The odds of an actor making a living are so slim, that you have to have intense passion for it to make it worth your while.

I have to admit, I left this class crestfallen, even though I think I did really well. I would even venture a guess that I did well enough for him to call me in. But, man - reality... tough to handle sometimes.

So, where do you go from here?

I love performing. I want to do it for the rest of my life. Sure, the business is hard, but I love the life I have. I really, really love it. So, I'm sticking to it.
I probably will never be rich. That's fine. But, I know, with confidence, I'm in the right place.

Thanks for allowing me a public affirmation. I needed it.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, a thoughtful and inspiring post. Thanks so much, Guy.
